Monday, 2 November 2009

Analysis of shots used in 'The Birds'

1) The first shot we see is a long shot of the house and the woman walking to the house. This shot is used to get an idea of the setting. It remains a long shot while the camera tracks the female character, as she walks to and through the house.
2) As she looks around the room for her dad, the camera zooms from a long shot to a mid shot so we can see a facial expression which reveals she is uncertain, curious and unaware.
3)Tracking shots are used continuously as she walks around the house looking for her dad. A long shot is used to show the corridor, and is still used to show her walking down the corridoor. The camera remains still using a long shot.
4) The camera then jumps to inside a room, focusing on the door as she walks through, and a midshot is used to focus on the character's body language and facial expression at the same time.
5) From then on the camera jumps from midshots of the character to longshots of the room. This is because we see her reaction to what she's seen before we've seen what she's seen. Her reaction to what she see's is shown through her face expression. We see her look worried and shocked, and then we see her view of a dead bird on the window. The same happens as we see her similar expression before we see that the room has been trashed.
6) In the build up, her eyes are constantly looking around the room. A midshot of her is used and her facial expression tells us that there is visually something terrible and a worse sight than what she's already seen. It then jumps to a close up of bloody feet which shocks the audience.
7) The camera jumps back to her face and then to a shot which shows a man's dead body. This shocks the audience more.
8) The zoom is used cleverly to shock the audience further and show the severity of the attack on the man as the camera zooms a close up of the man's face and then again to a close up of the man's bloodied eyesocket. His eyes are missing and this gory close up provokes a sense of horror and fear and shock from the audience. This reaction is replicated in the woman's facial expression as the camera jumps back to a midshot of her as she closes the door.
9) A longshot is then used to show her running down the corridoor. She is clearly panicked and disturbed by what she has seen.
10)A long shot is used aswell as she runs out the house towards the man. Then, the final shot used is a close up of her face, which shows she is sickened and scared by the sight of her father's body.

These shots are put together to shock us, as the camera seems to jump a lot. It builds up in an unpredictable way.